Peridot gemstone

The Peridot gemstone also referred to as chrysolite, is a member of the olivine family that is available in just one shade that is an intense green color with yellow undertones. The yellowish-green color of these stones is due to the presence of iron in their chemical composition, where the appropriate quantity of iron for forming the best-colored Peridot is 12%-15%. The intensity of the green color of these gemstones varies based on their origins.

These stones have been in great demand since the olden days and Peridot stone prices in India at around INR 400 to INR 2000 a carat. Peridot, also seen as an alternative to Emerald, is ruled by Mercury and is utilized for pacifying badly placed Mercury in the horoscope of a person. As per Hindu astrology, Peridot gemstones are most favorable for Virgo and Gemini horoscopes, whereas western astrology suggests these stones to people born in August or from Cancer horoscopes.

Peridot gemstone origin

Peridot gemstones are produced in numerous famous countries such as the USA, Myanmar, Russia, Mexico, China, Brazil, and Pakistan. Out of them, USA, Mexico, and Brazil are frontrunners in producing Peridots for the retail sector, whereas Myanmar and Pakistan possess the best-grade Peridot gemstones. When considering rarity, Peridot stones from Myanmar are well-known for their shiny green shade and exceptional transparency, due to which they demand lofty prices internationally.

Quality attributes of Peridot gemstone


As mentioned above, Peridot gemstones are unique gemstones that do not possess any color variety. However, the intensity of the green shade can differ due to being mined from different sources. Uniformly colored bright-green Peridots with few flaws are most coveted and expensive as compared to non-uniform Peridots with brown or yellow undertones. Stones with no-uniform color distribution aren't seen as gem-quality stones and are priced terribly.


Normally gemstones with high transparency are valued more in the gemstone market, and the same goes for Peridot as well. The number, as well as the size of inclusions, tend to negatively affect the value of Peridot gemstones. Peridot stones generally contain disc-like flaws that are referred to as lily pads. Not every flaw is bad, as the presence of flaws shows that the gemstone is natural and untreated; however, noticeable inclusions of large sizes hamper the value of Peridots.


When determining a gemstone's value, the cutting style is highly significant as it helps in showcasing the true beauty of the stone. Cuts that are highly faceted, such as princess and cushion, cost higher than common cuts, such as round and oval, in the case of Peridot gemstones. 

Carat Weight

Similar to other kinds of gemstones, the Peridot gemstone's worth also grows with the growing size, that is, if the remaining quality parameters stay constant.


Gemstones occurring naturally usually have better value as compared to treated gemstones, even if the color or clarity are enhanced. The same goes for Peridot gemstones, as they are more valuable without going through any enhancements as compared to heat-treated Peridot gemstones. Most of the Peridot gemstones available in the gemstone market are free from treatments.

Peridot gemstone benefits

Peridot gemstones possess immense benefits for the wearer, and some of them have been mentioned underneath.

Enhances communicative abilities

People working in leadership posts that require interacting with others are most benefited by wearing the Peridot gemstone. Also, these stones are highly favorable for individuals in PR jobs, films, and movies as they boost the confidence and expressiveness of individuals. 

Cure mental illnesses

As we know, Peridots are viewed as alternatives to Emerald gemstones, and the reason for it is their extraordinary metaphysical properties. These gemstones help in calming the sentiments so as to deal with mental issues in a better manner. Peridot gemstones are considered to be the best healers of Mental illnesses.

Cure skin-related allergies

Peridot gemstones assist individuals suffering from well-being issues. This august birthstone helps in healing issues related to the nervous system and also protects the wearer's skin against allergies. 

Enhances intellect

As the ruling planet Mercury symbolizes knowledge, the Peridot stone assists its wearers by enhancing their memory retention power, knowledge, cognitive skills, and understanding. This is why astrologers suggest the Peridot stone to individuals dealing with distractions. Hence these beautiful gems are best suited for students to stay away from distractions and gain knowledge.

Where to look for Natural Peridot stones

Purchase natural Peridot gemstones from our website at, which sells only untreated gems that can be shipped all around the world.